What’s new in this version ?

SHiNeMaS 2.0 is now distributed with additional new features :

  • Upload images files related to seed lot, germplasm or relation and visualize it in the related data cards.

  • Climatic data management : it is possible to manage your own climatic data or access to the data of the Climatik service at INRAE, Climatic data can be accessed with a global form or through reproduction data cards

  • New seed lot can now be created through a file or a form, it will be the way to create non-existing seed lots used in network events in future versions of SHiNeMaS

  • Import/export form in admin interfaces for a set of objects : Location, Person, Method etc.

  • Storage devices management for each location and storage of seed lot in this devices

  • A species filter has been added in the file prepare wizard

  • When a file is submitted in SHiNeMaS (storage and seed lot) this one is audited in the database. This feature will be aplied to all file submission in a future version.

  • Access SHiNeMaS’ data through an API