Miscellaneous features

Audit files

In the User > Submited files menu you have access to the log of the files you have submitted in SHiNeMaS. This feature ensure that a file can’t be submitted twice, including files you haven’t submitted yourself. All files can be downloaded, this feature is enabled on the seed lot file and storage file submission features. It aims to be implemented for all file submission interfaces in further versions.


Audit files table

Admin import/export

Location, Person, Germplasm Method, variable Stations

From the admin interface you can load data with a file. On any admin interface of the objects described below, click on the ‘Import’ button and submit a file with the correct headers. Files can be of various format : csv, xlsx, xls, tsv, yaml, json

Person file headers :

location, first_name, last_name, short_name, birth_date, gender, email, phone1, phone2, fax

Location file headers :

location_name, location_type, address, post_code, country, longitude, latitude, altitude, short_name

Germplasm file headers :

person, germplasm_type, species, germplasm_name

Method file headers :

person, method_description, method_name, unit, quali_quanti_notes, ind_global

Variable file headers :

name, name_descriptor, type, season, unit, source

Stations file headers :

station_name, station_number, city, country, longitude, latitude, altitude, start_date, end_date, status, source, update_date